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Discovered Discovery Channel
Monday, February 04, 2008 10:17 PM
Just finished watching TV. I swear I wasn't slacking. I was watching Discovery Channel's The First Emperor of China. I kind of like discovered Discovery Channel to be very educational and interesting. Haha. I don't know who turned to the Discovery Channel, but after dinner, I was like 'Wow, this looks interesting' and sat there for 2 straight曹操 hours instead of working on tutorials or projects. It was really interesting. Seriously, I learned so much more in a 2-hour documentary than in 2 years of Appreciation of Chinese Culture(ACC) lessons at AHS. My Chinese History is horrible. Besides knowing that there was someone called 秦始皇 in the Chinese History, I know nothing else. Don't get me wrong. I have always been interested in China's History, except that having to read chunks of chinese characters does not help at all. They kind of hinder my understanding of the Chinese History. Haha. I used to think that maybe 華佗 looked something like a camel(骆驼). It does help alittle in remembering the names during ACC tests. It kinda remain etched, until now I always remember that there's some camel person in Chinese History. Hahaha. Anyway, the documentary was in English so it really does alot in helping me understand who 秦始皇 is and what exactly did he do during his reign. Halfway through the documentary, they were showing that 秦始皇 being so powerful and all. So I was curious about how he died. I asked my dad whether did he died of migraines. Okay, I was thinking of the 華佗 person here because I remembered that there was this story that he told this king who was having migraines that the only way to cure the migraines was to cut open his brain and to do some surgery. Now, I found out that it was 曹操 who had migraines, not 秦始皇. Wrong person. Different eras. Haha. Goes to show how much my Chinese History suck. Haha.

Anyway, I learned from the documentary that 秦始皇 died because he was so obsessed with immortality that he kept eating this so-called 'longevity' pill which contained mercury and was supposedly said to prolong life. We all know that mercury is poisonous to the body and damages brain and nerve cells. 秦始皇 took the 'longevity' pill for quite some years, the mercury accumulated in his body and eventually, his body kind of trembled uncontrollably, he went crazy and rambles on and on without making any sense, his kidneys failed and subsequently, his organs failed. How ironic. A 'longevity' pill that shortens your life. He died because he wanted to live long.

And did you know that 秦始皇's tomb is said to be build on a piece of land shaped like the map of China? Everything was exactly the same, the rivers, lakes, contours. Except that it was in miniature. The mini rivers and lakes were said to be flowing(yes, I do mean flowing) with mercury. Either 秦始皇 or those tomb designers must had been really smart. Why mercury instead of water? Because if water was used, it would have all been evaporated in no time after the tomb is sealed(no, it wouldn't be totally sealed as there are bound to be some cracks somewhere because of the ancient technology used to construct the tomb). However, mercury was used because it's the only metal that's liquid at room temperature and it is very unlikely that it will evaporised. It might have evaporize alittle over the last 2000 years, but not to such an extent where every drop of it will disappear.

Alright, that kind of conclude the mini Chinese History lesson above. Discovery Channel is educational. Haha. I can ramble so much with just a 2-hour documentary. If only lectures are conducted in the form of videos...haha.

Anyway, as expected, I flunked Math test, with 2/18. Lol. I thought I was getting a zero, apparently not. I managed to get a 2-mark question right. Hah, so proud of it, huh? No doubt I was the worst failer in the whole class. Biology open book test was a killer today, even though it's open book. I can tell that I'm going fail it. Totally don't know what the question wants. And to make things worse, I forgot to bring all my notes except for the most basic notes. So people wrote like 2 pages, I wrote about half a page and then crapped for the rest until 3/4 page. Die...

PE today was alright. Much shorter distance than previous weeks' but still tiring. I'm so going to die for Road Run. I didn't train at all, because I was lazy. I can forget about going CNY house-visitng, and just stay home to recuperate from all the aches. Haha.

Alright, goodnight!!! ^^


Connie Tan
23 March 1991
National University of Singapore
Year 1
Table Tennis
♥ Eusoff Hall

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