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Get well soon, Tracy
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:15 PM
Went to CGH visit Tracy after all the lectures were over. I definitely didn't prepare myself for the Tracy I was going to see. I've never seen her like that before in all the 4 years I've known her. And it was heartbreaking to see her in pain. Felt so useless for not knowing what to do to make her feel a little better.

Tracy, AJA AJA FIGHTING!!! Rest well and get well soon! I'm waiting to play table tennis and study with you! ^^


Mardi Gras 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:46 PM
Mardi Gras was fun. My fun might have been only confined to the floorball stall(since I was tending the stall with a few others) but nevertheless, I had fun selling toasting youtiaos and goreng pisangs, yelling for people to buy and shouting out the ice cream orders to the boys. Thanks to all who helped in one way or another! ^^

Holidays have started but it won't be the same as last year's. There's a hell lot of preparations to be done for JCTs. I really need to buck up, a lot.

Alright, this is a really short post because I'm too lazy to blog and I wanna go watch some of 命中注定我爱你 and play some Maple now. Bye!


Saturday, May 17, 2008 11:11 PM
词:王雅君 曲:林俊杰

我的心也被震碎了 下一秒瓦解了 泪堆积成了河
当爱与希望 投射炙热的太阳
昨日泪光 会随时间都蒸发
别轻易放弃 明天要许更多愿望
装满了勇气 就更有力量
当爱与希望 倒映暖暖的月亮
再回头望 又是筑好的家乡
我打开了窗 看见了晴朗

A song penned by 林俊杰 for the Sichuan quake victims. Very touching song, it was said that he didn't sleep a wink for 2 nights just to write this song. See, he's not my favourite singer for no reason. =)

The tragedies have been claiming more and more lives. It's just so devastating to see children our age trapped under the rubbles and dying while waiting for rescue, but I believe, it is even more so, for the parents themselves to see their children dying and to be so helpless, not being able to do anything.

One minute you're listening to the teacher's lesson, and the next minute, you're crushed under tonnes of rubbles. Showed me how fragile life can be.

Over at the Myanmar side, I do hope that the supplies would faster reach the survivors.

I pray that those affected by the quake or the cyclone would be able to pick up the pieces and live on.


Temasek Junior College Table Tennis DSA Intake 2009 Trials
4:32 PM
Calling for all Secondary 4 Table Tennis players! There will be Temasek Junior College Table Tennis DSA Trials on 27 May(Tuesday) from 9 - 11am at Temasek Junior College's Dance Studio (which is at the Sports Complex). Interested students, please do come down for the trials.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to email to or tag on the tagboard at the side of this page. Alternatively, you can also tag at the TJC Table Tennis blog.

For more information on Temasek Junior College DSA Intake 2009, please visit

We hope to see you there! ^^


Not a good week
Saturday, May 03, 2008 4:43 PM
The week's been a rather stressful one. I desperately needed a break from all that lagging behind in classes, so I would say Labour Day break came at a good time. Got back some tests this week, and shucks, failed all.

And the Econs tutor thinks that I didn't do my Econs tutorials even though I did, just because one, he happened to see this one page which I left it about 3/4 blank(but I did do the other pages) because I had no idea how to do, and two, I don't like to use another coloured pen to do my corrections, so I'll just erase my wrong answers and write the correct one in pencil again. I do that because the answers are often so long that I don't have space to do my corrections, moreover, the tutorials won't be marked so I'll be the only person who will ever read my tutorials, so I don't see why I should leave the wrong answers there when I know they won't be of any use to me when I do my studying. I mean, I won't be memorizing wrong answers anyway. Dang. I hate it when people accuse me of things I didn't do. If I really didn't do my tutorials, you can scold me for all you want, because it's a fact that I didn't do and I would definitely be in the wrong. But when I did do my tutorials, you can't say I didn't. I'm not looking forward to Econs anymore, not saying that I used to look forward to it, but it was neutral, but now, I hate it.

Mega-House Function, Chorophobia, was...can't say much for it because I left with Luo Wei about an hour after into it. Lol. Was planning to give it a miss initially because floorball training was supposed to end at 6.40pm and the party was supposed to start at 6.30pm or 7pm. I was thinking that there would be no time for us to go home to wash up and then come back. But in the end, the floorball girls decided that we would crash the party in our training attires. And so, one whole bunch of floorball girls, after our PT and drills, stomped into the hall with our sticks in our hands. Lol, I'm not sure whether we looked out of place or whether we stank up the whole place but I remembered seeing most of the people dressed up and Melissa saying, 'People are...abit glam ah?' Then someone(I forgot who) from the team said 'No la, they're just overdressed.' Haha.

Yesterday's floorball training at Valhall was great. We have a new coach! The drills were interesting, so many different varieties. Then it was dinner @ KFC with the floorball girls and Mr Tan. Eating KFC right after training is sinful, but yeah, we all still need dinner, don't we? Lol.

Okay, I wanna go watch 鬥牛。要不要 now. Ah Cat, Pris and XinYi say I'm super lag because they are all on 命中注定我愛你 while I'm still at 鬥牛.

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Connie Tan
23 March 1991
National University of Singapore
Year 1
Table Tennis
♥ Eusoff Hall

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