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Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:56 PM
If you haven't already know, yes, I got accepted into NUS FASS(intending to major in Economics) & NTU Economics. I just got back from SMU Business interview, and I think I should just get ready to strike SMU off my list. I totally screwed up the interview. I barely spoke and it didn't help that I was the only girl among the 9 or 10 bald army guys. It turned out that a few of them came from international schools(I found out because the article we discussed about was coincidentally, foreigners in international schools and local schools) and some even stayed abroad for a couple of years. Yeah, so you know how international schools' students are, they aren't afraid to speak their mind, they can talk on and on, they speak fluently, with an accent even. In short, I think my chances are very slim.

Not that I'm very affected by this interview I screwed up. My heart is pretty much set on NUS, 70% for NUS, you can say. I agreed to the SMU interview because I wanted to see if I could make it. If I miraculously get accepted by SMU business, I said if, then I think I would still be in a dilemma. 70% NUS and 30% SMU instead of 30% NTU. Currently, for me, the pros of SMU are only 2 things - it is a business course and it is nearer to my house. I mean, it's still far from my house but nearer as compared to NUS and NTU. Whereas, everything else I like is at NUS. The curriculum flexibility, the sports(specifically floorball), the language courses, the exchange programmes and the halls(if I can convince my mom to let me stay in one). The cons of NUS? Distance from my house, if I fail to convince my mom. I really can't imagine travelling that far from my house and back every single day, especially when you're so tired after a long day at school or worse, after a day that ends with training. =(

Whatever it is, I'll probably wait till the end of next week before I accept NUS' offer. If I don't get a letter from SMU by then, I'll go to the nearest photo ID booth to have my photo taken so that I can paste it in the NUS student pass application form and bring the form personally down to NUS to submit. Lol. =P
Connie Tan
23 March 1991
National University of Singapore
Year 1
Table Tennis
♥ Eusoff Hall

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