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Great achievement!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:44 PM
I completed 3 chem tutorials(isomerism, proteins, amino acids) today!!! Like omg right? It's a huge achievement considering I didn't do any tutorials for the whole of organic chemistry except for alkanes and alkenes. Lol. Now Mr Foo can no longer look at my blank tutorials and then at me. Yay, go me!

Maths test yesterday was quite alright. And yes, you're not seeing wrongly, that's me saying that maths was manageable, and I only started studying vectors in school in the morning. Usually I can only complete 2 questions in 50 minutes, but I completed all 4 questions(with some sub-questions blanks) within 50 minutes. I think I can get at least a 5/30 which is pretty good for a math idiot like me. Hee. =P Next up, econs test tomorrow! National income stats should be manageable right? No.

Anyway, today had been fun and funny. ^^

Rather short entry because I'm mother tired now. Eyelids are going to shut anytime. Goodnight! =)
Connie Tan
23 March 1991
National University of Singapore
Year 1
Table Tennis
♥ Eusoff Hall

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