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Busy & boring life
Monday, July 27, 2009 11:05 PM
3 entries in 3 weeks. It either means that I'm too busy that I don't have the time to blog, that, or, I don't have much to blog about. Actually it's a combination of both. I go to bed everyday wishing that there's 48 hours a day, so that I can dedicated 12 hours to school, 12 hours to homework & revision, 6 hours to TV, 6 hours to Internet & 12 hours to sleep. Okay, I'm probably getting sleepy, that's why I'm not making any sense.

Almost forgot to take back my EZ-link card today(because I was late last friday & didn't take it back). Was walking past the bubble tea shop when I remembered, then made my way back to school again. Sigh. Sis was also in the GO, collecting her EZ-link. She was also late on Friday(blame it on my bro) and I, being the meanie big sister(okay, I wasn't that mean. My classes ended at 1.20pm, I wasn't going to stay until 5pm but she was, since she was going to have training), asked her to help me collect but she happily went for training and forgot about it until about 6pm+, the GO was closed by then. -.- Anyway, so while we were there today, she flipped to this page of the late-coming records, everyone wrote more or less the same reasons, 'traffic', 'rainy day', 'left house late'...blah blah...until we both saw this reason for late-coming, 'Toilet was flooded.' LOL. Gotta admire that girl for her guts.
Just finished researching for Gambling topic for GP tomorrow. Points weren't difficult to make because I did an article review for gambling awhile back so I just had to twist them to the Singapore context. But the counter arguments took me a long time. Either I ended up contradicting my points or I couldn't refute my counter arguments. Argh, feel like tearing all my hair out.
Connie Tan
23 March 1991
National University of Singapore
Year 1
Table Tennis
♥ Eusoff Hall

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